THE PEAR TREE CAFE IS BACK! (and yes that includes SCONES – hallelujah!)
We are delighted to announce that our Pear Tree Cafe is reopening to our customers from 10am on Monday 6th July!
It’s lovely to get back to a bit of normality, but things will be slightly different, so here’s a little bit about what you can expect:
Initially, we will run with a simplified (but yummy!) menu. This will include; hot drinks, cakes, scones (yay!) and light meals such as, soup, sandwiches and jacket potatoes. This smaller menu is to aid social distancing in our kitchen, and ensure the safety of our staff while we adapt. Although the menu will be smaller, it’ll still be made with those high quality, local ingredients that we all know and love!
Once we have settled back in, we will extend our menu. We know some of you are missing your favourite dishes so please hold tight. When the time is right we will bring back our full repertoire of freshly cooked, seasonal hot food – after all, it’s always good to have something to look forward to!

Opening Hours and Access:
We are open every day from 10.00am to 4.00pm (except Sunday when the cafe opens at 11:00am-4pm). As before the kitchen is open for cooked meals until 3pm but last orders for coffee and cake are at 3:45pm.
The cafe will look a tiddly bit different, we have arranged more space between tables, a minimum of 2 metres. Nothing too out of the ordinary though!
As before, there is no need to book, just turn up.
We anticipate there may be some queuing at times, but we will try to keep waiting to a minimum – you’ll be happy to know that safety is our first priority.
Don’t worry, we have the same friendly team in the kitchen and front of house ready to welcome you all back! However, as we do welcome our first customers back after so many weeks away (and with a very new system to work with) honestly, we may be a little nervous, so please be patient. We know you’re all very polite and lovely folks so we thank you in advance for your understanding.
Washrooms and Toilet Facilities:
Toilet facilities are available for our cafe customers but are locked, please just ask for the key from the cafe staff. This so we can ensure facilities are kept clean and safe for all. Just ask.
It has been and still is a strange time for us all, but we look forward to welcoming you back to the Pear Tree Cafe
Thank you & see you soon!